Quinoa in 2012?

…the Committee took up a draft resolution titled “International Year of Quinoa, 2012” (document A/C.2/65/L.16), with the representative of Bolivia noting that it had been the topic of constructive consultations and would be discussed in 2012. The issue of agricultural development and food security should remain an open item, and the Secretariat of the Second Committee would adopt the necessary provisions for that.

That was in December 2010. So where are we with that? Well, it looks like they’ll be discussing the whole thing in the next few days right here in Rome during the FAO Conference.

The idea seems to have some support from the indigenous people lobby:

Highlighting the agenda’s proposed half-day discussion on the right to food and food sovereignty, Saul Vicente Vasquez, a Forum member from Mexico, said the human right to food was not sufficiently dealt with in national legislation around the world. Not only should that right be recognized in State constitutions, he said, but the ability of traditional knowledge to ensure food for everyone must be advanced. Pointing out that indigenous types of food had not been adequately recognized, he also voiced support for proposals for an “International Year of Quinoa”.

Is it too late to throw in Andean roots and tubers?

One Reply to “Quinoa in 2012?”

  1. I have both quinoa & amaranth growing in my garden, & brought home a ‘mixed bag’ of colours from our natural food store to try some of the darker seed!
    I also have seed of Magentaspreen (lovely fuscia small leaves & tips!!) & got an Orach seed head from a local gardener during a Veggie Garden Tour a few weeks ago!
    Fitting for honoring of Quinoa & biodiversity to coincide with Mayan Prophecy year 2012!

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