Tackling vitamin A deficiency in Africa one crop at the time

What with high beta carotene sweet potatoes on one side and maize on the other, there will soon be no excuse for anyone in Africa to have vitamin A deficiency. We’ve blogged about this before. Often. The question remains: is it better to push these orange varieties of the staples, or promote diverse diets? Or, …

Brainfood: Chinese landscapes, Agroforestry seed, Italian lentils, Carrot heterosis, Taro in islands, Indian wheat, AnGR ex situ, Woodland shrines, Vitamin A, Caraway, Adansonia, Neotropical blueberries, Yeast genetics, Rotations

Agricultural landscapes and biodiversity in China. Traditional farming practices good for biodiversity, modern bad. Therefore need intensification, to take pressure off natural habitats. But no, wait, that usually means monocultures and chemicals, which are bad. Oh crap. No mention of genebanks. Innovation in input supply systems in smallholder agroforestry: seed sources, supply chains and support …

Vaccines, vitamins and er .. lemme see .. vital information!

Michael Specter is a staff writer for The New Yorker, has a book out called Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives, and gave a recent TedTalk on The danger of science denial that has created quite a stir, most of it positive. And I’m mostly in accord. …